San Miguel
EST. CALORIES: 144 ABV: 4.8%
If you’ve had San Miguel in Europe after 2010, you liklely had the 5% version brewed under licence by Carlsberg in the UK.
If you had San Miguel outside Europe, you most likely had a version brewed in the Philippines or Hong Kong. Either this one, the one termed San Miguel Pale Pilsen, or the one termed San Miguel Premium All-Malt. It is possible that they are all the same beer, but with different names, but at this point we don’t know for sure.
St. Austell Proper Job
EST. CALORIES: 165 ABV: 5.5%
First brewed in December 2005 for the St Austell Brewery Celtic Beer Festival.
Ingredients:Cornish Spring water and malt made from 100% Cornish grown Maris Otter barley. Cascade, Chinook and Willmette hops.
Proper Job is dedicated to the 32nd (Cornwall) Regiment who stoutly defended their garrison during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58. In recognition of a ‘Proper Job’, Queen Victoria awarded the 32nd the honour of becoming a Light Infantry Regiment.
“Light, clear and refreshing with an assertive hop bitterness, Proper Job IPA is based on a traditional IPA recipe which makes it perfect for long, hot summer days.”