San Miguel
San Miguel Beer has been brewed since 1890 in the Philippines. A Spanish brewery, La Segarra, was created and licensed in 1946 to brew San Miguel Beer in Europe. In 1953 the Spanish brewery acquired sole and independent rights to San Miguel Beer in Europe, and by 1957 had changed its name to San Miguel. In 1991 Bulmers acquired to rights to distribute the Spanish brewed San Miguel in the UK. In 2000 the Spanish brewery Mahou bought the San Miguel Brewery, along with the European rights to San Miguel Beer. In 2003 Scottish & Newcastle purchased the UK distribution rights from Mahou, and brewed it in Edinburgh. In 2008 Carlsberg acquired the UK rights, and moved production to its brewery in Northampton. In 2010 Carlsberg reached a deal with Mahou to brew and distribute the 5% San Miguel throughout Europe. Mahou retain the brewing rights to all other European San Miguel branded beers.
European San Miguel 5% beers are listed here. European San Miguel beers (ranging from 4.5% to 5% – usually 4.8%) bought before 2010 are listed at San Miguel (Spain)
EST. CALORIES: 144 ABV: 4.8%